Hello, cherished visitor 🪬

I'm Rei Tito Miccens, as known as ReiTiMi, and there is a reason why you made your way to this page. For, as you will discover, You are the ultimate in perfection.

Your physical body is a magnificent temple that has the capacity for regeneration and self-healing. But, you are more complex than first appears. Your energy bodies are a sophisticated system that affects and sustains your physical form, despite how subtle and enigmatic they may seem. They hold the secret to your recovery and health because they are a reflection of the divine wisdom that created you.

As a multidimensional entity, you have access to the universe's boundless knowledge and love. Dear one, embrace your excellence and allow it lead You on your path to self-awareness and recovery.

healing bodies

I am ready to You 💫

As a qualified and sensitive Channel, I'm committed to assisting You in discovering healing, relief, and a higher sense of wellbeing.

I'm confident in my capacity to help you on your path to a happier, and more fulfilled life, using the various tools at my disposal.

I'm here to listen to you and lead you every step of the way, whether you are struggling with emotional or physical issues or just want to enhance your general health and happiness.

Please get in touch with me to arrange a session. I'm ready to collaborate with you to accomplish your objectives and improve your life.

Love, ReiTiMi🙏❤️

remote healer

Unleash the power of remote healing 🌀

Book now to start along the path to a healthier, happier self and experience the transforming power of remote healing with my services!

If you sign up to the portal by clicking here, you will receive a 10% discount on your first order.

(healing energy is available also for your beloved pets!)

← Swipe HORIZONTALLY to see all available services →

Testimonials 🙏

If you're unfamiliar with the concept of energy healing, you might be curious about what it comprises and its potential efficacy.
Here some testimonials from a few of my prior assisted clients from all over the World to help you understand.

(All reviews are certified by Fiverr. Since I respect privacy, as you would love I do for yours, only public usernames have been used)


ciao, ho atteso qualche giorno per verificare i miglioramenti dovuti al tuo trattamento. ECCELLENTE!! In pochi giorni i dolori che mi affliggevano alla schiena sono scomparsi del tutto. Prima ero incredulo, ora sono esterrefatto!!!! Ma come è possibile? Al primo malessere ti richiamerò di nuovo



Ha sido una experiencia increíble. Padezco de dolor por una hernia discal y tenía una semana con el dolor, no podía estar de pie ni acostada. Gracias a ReiTiMi el dolor se calmó, y me siento ligera, mientras más pasa el tiempo, siento mucha relajación. Lo recomiendo 1000%, hay que probar. Gracias 🙏



Has gone above and beyond and been very helpful ... hopefully I notice GREAT results soon!!! Thanks!



I am very pleased with my session, felt quite tired and had a deep sleep but woke up feeling very 'light' and fresh! I noticed I was in a good mood too. The report given is accurate with what I am experiencing and ReiTiMi is thorough with the healing. Highly recommend.



Thank you!



i was very satisfied with the results he gave and what he wrote really tallies with some issues i already know

Saint Lucia


Very Professional, good energy, informative, value for your money and a genuine person. The system of energy transfer is also cutting edge in italy.



Thanks for treatment. Kind and helpful seller!



I can only try to put into words the joy i felt dealing with ReiTiMi. He’s very kind and considerate of the impact and importance of your request. You will feel his love when you read the message, go for it. Trust you are in the right place if you are even reading this review. You will be helped 🙏❤️



I had an Akashic reading and it was very different from what I expected but was gladly surprised his reading is filled with beauty and metaphor and when you read between lines some answers are clearly there. Thank you.



Thank you very much for this healing and report!



Beautiful service and wonderful energy!!



Thank you SO much! You were right on about which of the chakras were affected. I've been dealing with those issues for such a long time. I really appreciate this clearing. Will definitely come back!



Reitimi, I thank you very much for the kindness and precision you delivered the service! I've actually already noticed an interesting shift of energy during the last days! Also , I want to say this: I've been knowing his work and the way he does it, since a few now, and I can truly say that he is pure, honest and an incredible healer! Thank you Chiara



I had to read the results a few times. At first I was feeling like my questions weren't addressed, or like I asked the genie the wrong questions. I realized that, the first time I was reading it too literally. The second time I tried to look at it more as a metaphor. The third time, I finally understood what Rei said it was, and that it was a message, and that all of these things were connected... I got it finally... and when I did I was shook. All of my questions were answered. All. of. them.



I am highly recommending gigs from this seller. His gigs are extremely effective. Moreover, the seller is professional, super supportive and communication has been absolutely wonderful. Please do not think twice about working with this seller! I have seen great changes for myself and feel blessed. Thank you immensely Rei.



I love this. The music is deeply touching, beautiful and personal, resonating perfectly with every inch of my being. Exquisite! Thankyou!



Questo trattamento mi ha dato un grande beneficio in termini di energia e leggerezza, sia mentale che fisica, sono rimasto molto soddisfatto, lo rifaro' presto e consiglio a tutti di provarlo. Grazie ReiTiMi.



I made this music as a gift to myself to use it to connect with my soul in meditation, it will be perfect. You can feel that Reitimi does things with heart and you can feel it. I will deffinately keep this noted for a special gift to someone too. Thank you!!!

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